Cleaning Resin in Sports Halls

Cleaning Costs

and Possible Damages

Expert Examination

Cost Evaluation and Outlook

1 Introduction

Handball resin makes the sport faster and more dynamic. Many throws and game strategies are only possible with adhesive agents, as they improve ball grip. This allows players to make more precise passes and throw harder.

However, resin also increases cleaning efforts in sports halls. That is why it is sometimes banned.

A pilot project has precisely analyzed cleaning costs and the damages that resin can cause.


2 Cleaning Costs in Sports Halls

2.1 Overview of Cleaning Costs

The Cologne Sports Office, the City of Cologne, the cleaning company Klüh, several handball clubs, and the company Tripmacker collected data. Tests were conducted over an extended period under real conditions. A sworn expert validated the results.

2.1.1 Cleaning Products Used

Cleaning involves standard cleaners for basic cleaning (about twice a year) and specific products for daily cleaning. There is a difference between standard cleaning and the removal of handball resin. Basic Cleaning

The product Bendurol maxx is used here. Then, ISI MAXX is applied, a product that is not water-soluble. Daily Cleaning Without Handball

On days without handball activity, Indur maxx is used. It leaves a protective layer that renews itself with each cleaning. However, this layer cannot fill scratches. Daily Cleaning With Handball

After matches or training sessions, a specific product is used to remove the resin. It is applied in the same way as Indur maxx in the cleaning machine. Combination of Cleaning Products

Tests show that a combination of resin remover and Indur maxx works without issues.


2.2 Basic Cleaning Costs

Each hall is cleaned regularly, whether used for handball or not. The cost per cleaning is €915.
Cleaning Resin in Sports Halls


2.3 Daily Cleaning Costs

2.3.1 Without Handball

On days without handball, the hall is cleaned with Indur maxx.

2.3.2 With Handball

2.3.3 Slightly Soiled Halls

Here is a cost overview for different types of flooring:

Immediate cleaning after a match makes it easier to remove dirt.


2.4 Cost Evaluation Results

Linoleum floors are the most commonly used in sports halls. When a hall is only slightly soiled, cleaning costs remain nearly the same as standard cleaning.

2.4.1 Implementation

Since cleaning slightly soiled floors generates minimal additional costs, handball players and clubs should finance the cleaning of heavily soiled halls. This would allow clubs to better control costs and avoid unnecessary expenses for hall operators.


3 External Verification of Cleaning Products

All products used were externally tested to ensure they do not damage floors:

Cleaning concentrate 1 for parquet: tested by the materials testing institute.

Cleaning concentrate 2 for plastic floors: tested by the materials testing institute.


4 Cost-Saving Opportunities

4.1 For Hall Operators

Basic cleaning can be reduced if resin stains are only an aesthetic problem. Furthermore, according to experts, cleaning four times a week is sufficient if large stains are removed immediately after the match.

4.2 For Handball Players

4.2.1 Reducing Resin Usage

Products like “Trimona Handball Liquid Grip” or “Trimona Handball Spraywax” help reduce the amount of resin used.

4.2.2 Improving Cleaning

Ball cleaners or cleaning wipes help keep the hall clean. Manual cleaning machines and special mops also facilitate maintenance.

4.2.3 Water-Soluble Resin

A new water-soluble resin helps save cleaning costs. However, it needs to be reapplied more frequently.

5 Conclusion

The cleaning products and resins used do not damage floors. Additional costs for a slightly soiled hall amount to only €0.09 per cleaning. If handball players clean the hall themselves, the cleaning remains cost-neutral.

6 Sources

[US]: Dr. Uwe Schattke, Institute for Sports Infrastructure Research
[KL]: Klüh Cleaning Company
[TK]: City of Cologne, Cleaning Service
[EG]: Cologne Sports Office
[AD]: Cosmetic Safety Assessments
[HP]: Dr. med H. Prieur, Derma Consult GmbH
[JN]: Dr. J. Nissen, Derma Consult GmbH
[HK]: Ecolab Company
[TS]: TÜV SÜD Industrial Service
[KU]: Building Materials Testing Institute